What if?
What if Lincoln was a vampire slayer?
I simply adore fiction that explores that very notion. Dr Gitu always stressed on that in his classes.
I think this is what literature is all about...to ask of the author and the reader the possibilities that are out there, the infinite alternatives to reason and seeking of meaning, and the unlimited outreaching beyond borders.
Yet, the syllabus determined in the classrooms are so rigid. We rarely teach kids to think, we merely teach them what to think. Formal school education limits us so much. It curbs imagination and kills creativity.
Yet a single teacher can make that difference. It took a hobbit to save Middle Earth, a single father to champion equal rights or at least the truth (Atticus Finch), a frail old man in a loincloth to challenge the mighty empire, and a man with no university education to establish and remain at the center of the Western Canon!
I cannot begin to claim presence in this distinguished circle of minds but I can aim to reach out and beyond.
I seriously believe that when teachers see their duties as missions and not mere chores......this is what I believe...students can reach limitless possibilities and potential. Until then we stay doomed....education a mere series of chains to hold us back.
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