Monday, March 19, 2012


A Lesson Study group usually consists of several teachers (3-6) who are interested in working together to improve their teaching and student learning.
To ensure multiple perspectives, a lesson study group should involve no fewer than three teachers. Having more than six may make arranging meetings and finding common ground difficult.
Typically, participants are from the same discipline. Include anyone who is interested, even if a person does not teach the course for which the lesson is being developed.

The learning goal is the backbone of a lesson and provides the “reason” for teaching and observing it.
Teams usually begin by selecting a subject, concept, theme, or topic in the course they want to study. Many are drawn to topics that are particularly difficult for students to learn or for teachers to teach. Others select a topic that comes later in the term so they have enough time to plan and design the lesson. Still others focus on topics that are new to the curriculum or that are especially important in their fields.
Learning goals should be stated in terms of what students will understand and what they will be able to do as a result of the lesson. Goals specify desired forms of student learning, thinking, engagement, and behavior. Whatever the instructors decide to do in the class will be considered in light of the goals.
 Example: Students can revise their drafts by identifying and evaluating main ideas and entering into critical conversations with peers.

In the planning stage, team members usually begin by sharing how they have taught or would teach the lesson, discussing and debating the merits of different types of class activities, assignments, exercises and so forth. To keep the focus on student learning, though, teachers also pool their knowledge of how students in the past have learned or struggled to learn the topic at hand. Once past experiences and personal approaches are on the table, the team can begin to design a Research Lesson that will help students achieve the chosen learning goal.

* to be continued as I dwell deeper. 

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