Sunday, May 4, 2014

WOODPECKER (Std 4 Language Arts)

  • Suggested learning activities for the poem ‘WOODPECKER’.
  • 1.    Listening to the tapping sound of a woodpecker. Watching a video clip of an authentic woodpecker or a clip of the cartoon ‘Woody Woodpecker’.
  • 2.    Reading aloud after teacher / model readers. Paying emphasis to intonation….yes/no question (voice up) and exclamation.
  • 3.    In pairs, one taps on the table while the other recites the poem. Reversing roles.
  • 4.    In groups, coming up with a collage using recycled materials to depict the poem.
  • 5.    Talking about sounds made by different birds / animals and miming them.
  • 6.    Matching animals to the sounds they make.
    1.  Bears…growl 
2. Bees…buzz 
3. Cats…mew, purr 
4. Cows…moo 
5. Crows…caw 
6. Dogs…howl, grow, snarl and bark 
7. Ducks…quack 
8. Elephants…trumpet 
9. Frogs…croak 
10. Geese…cackle 
11. Hens…cluck, cackle and chuckle 
12. Horses…neigh, whinny 
13. Lions…roar 
14. Mice…squeak 
15. Monkeys…chatter 
16. Owls…hoot, screech, cur 
17. Parrots…chatter 
18. Snakes…hiss 
19. Wolves…howl 

Go to to let pupils hear recorded sounds of birds.

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